Cameron’s speech gives Tories seven-point lead over Labour Party
By ANITuesday, March 2, 2010
LONDON - David Cameron’s dramatic conference speech has given Tories a seven-point lead over the Labour Party.
The Sun’s daily YouGov survey today is the first to be taken after the Tory leader’s daring ‘no notes’ address on Sunday afternoon.
It put the Conservatives on 39 per cent (up two), Labour on 32 per cent (down three) and the Lib Dems on 17 per cent (no change).
A shock YouGov poll for the Sunday Times put his party just two points ahead of Labour, a two year low.
In another turnaround from the earlier poll, more people now narrowly think the Prime Minister doesn’t understand their problems (56 per pent) than Cameron (54 per cent). (ANI)