Aggressive amorous ducks will destroy North Yorkshire tourism: Locals

Monday, February 8, 2010

LONDON - The overly aggressive mating behaviour of amorous ducks could destroy tourism in rural North Yorkshire market town, say locals.

A number of male drakes have become engaged in the “wild mob-handed mating technique” when chasing female partners in the breeding season.

According to experts, these birds have become belligerent due to the plunging number of females throughout the area.

The residents fear the bad behaviour will destroy local tourism.

With duck mating season approaching, Thirsk Town Council has held a meeting with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England and the RSPB to find a solution to the problem.

Although new homes have been located for some of the birds but locals fear they might fly back into the area.

“The problem can be distressing for young children and we’ve had a number of complaints about this issue,” the Telegraph quoted town councillor Alan Morton as saying.

“The law forbids us from shooting them or anything like that and we’re working within the law and talking to groups about this,” Morton added.

“Although some people think this is a bit quakers it could actually cause offence to some,” said North Yorkshire County councillor for Thirsk, Gareth Dadd.

“Perhaps this is a problem that we need to take a serious view on,” Dadd added.

A RSPB spokesman said: “This is quite a familiar scenario when it comes to ducks and when it comes to mating they are quite aggressive.

“It’s an interesting problem,” he added. (ANI)

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