Islamic extremists must drink wine to be tolerant: Scholar

Saturday, February 6, 2010

LONDON - A leading philosopher has advised Islamic extremists to drink wine to become more tolerant.

Dr Scruton, research professor for the Institute for the Psychological Sciences in both Oxford and Washington, urges “lunatic fundamentalists who have set their heart on giving Islam a bad name” to imbibe, as it would help them become more moderate.

According to Dr Scruton, the occasional glass would help teach important lessons about friendship and getting along with others.

“Muslims must learn again to drink, and should be piously applying themselves to the task,” the Daily Express quoted from Dr Scruton’s article in the international wine magazine, Decanter.

While lamenting the passing of the “laughing, tolerant” phase of Islam, Dr Scruton praises Muslim philosophers like the 11th century Ibn Sina, who called wine “the best friend of wise people”.

Dr Scruton pointed out that Muslims around the world were being brainwashed by extremists driven out of Saudi Arabia and determined to impose their hardline views on others.

He talks about the “truth in wine” in his new book, I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher’s Guide To Wine.

Dr Scruton, a wine critic for the New Statesman, says “lunatics roaming the world for victims have swallowed the crazy doctrine of an ‘eternal’ Koran”.

He says Muslims must “learn to drink” to find tolerance again.

Until that happens, Dr Scruton believes, the Koran will continue to be misinterpreted and the truth that life “is not a fact but a gift” will never be recognised.

“Without the benefit of wine it is hard to seize this truth - harder still to recognise the obligation that it imposes, to be gentle with others,” he added. (ANI)

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