Aussie sets new record with 16 spinning yo-yos
By ANIThursday, January 28, 2010
LONDON - An Australian has managed to set a new record after spinning 16 yo-yos at the same time.
Ben McPhee beat the previous record of nine simultaneous spinning yo-yos by hanging his 16 off hooks, fingers, and even ears and teeth at the London Toy Fair.
The new world record for the highest number of simultaneous spinning yo-yos comes as retailers predict 2010 to be the toy’s year of comeback, reports the Telegraph.
David Strang, the managing director of Wicked Vision, the distributor of Duncan yo-yos, said: “Since November they have been selling ridiculously well. We are up about 1000 per cent at least - ten fold on the sales we were having a year ago.
“Yo-yos, generally over the last 80 years, have gone in seven to eight year cycles. It’s a generational thing. A ten-year old has never really seen one, but his older cousins, father and grandfather have. But this time around we haven’t seen a proper global craze since 1998. I think video games and the internet left yo-yos behind.” (ANI)