However you look at it, a trillion anything is a big, big number
By Jim Abrams, APWednesday, January 20, 2010
How big is a trillion? Very
WASHINGTON — A 1.9 trillion-mile trip is about the same as 8 million trips to the moon. And 1.9 trillion feet would take you to the top of 29,000-foot Mount Everest 65 million times, or to the bottom of the 36,000-foot Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the Pacific, about 53 million times.
Unfortunately the $1.9 trillion in new borrowing authority Senate Democrats are seeking for the government won’t take us quite that far. That amount, raising the national debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion, may have to be increased again after the fall election.
But 1.9 trillion is still a lot, no matter how you look at it. In dollars, it’s almost twice all the money America has spent in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.
That amount would buy about 422 Nimitz Class aircraft carriers, which run about $4.5 billion apiece. It would be enough to provide Pell grants of $5,000 to some 380 million low-income students, a number exceeding the entire population of the country.
The world population is currently about 6.7 billion, so 1.9 trillion people would be enough to populate some 284 worlds.
In terms of time, 1.9 trillion seconds adds up to about 60,000 years. And 1.9 trillion hours ago, or almost 220 million years ago, dinosaurs were just beginning to dominate the Earth.