Former CIA Acting chief Mclaughlin heading intel review on airline bomber, Fort Hood shooter.
By APFriday, January 8, 2010
Former CIA Acting Director heading intel review
WASHINGTON — National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair has appointed former CIA Director John McLaughlin to lead a small team of national security experts to examine the intelligence failures that allowed the Detroit bomber and the Fort Hood shooter to carry out their plots undetected.
The group will review the Dec. 25 failed bombing of an airliner in Detroit, and the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood by an Army psychiatrist who is accused of killing 13 before being shot and apprehended. Both men are believed to have been inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American-born Islamic cleric now in Yemen.
McLaughlin’s team will propose remedies for the problems they find.
McLaughlin, a career analyst, was deputy director of the CIA in the year 2000 and headed the CIA for three months as acting director in 2004 after George Tenet resigned.