NEW YORK - Skinny jeans, adult films and even human manure were among some of the must-have items for North Koreans, according to a South Korean professor who has interviewed recent defectors from the communist country.
BEIJING - U.S. Navy Admiral Robert F. Willard has warned that China is designing a space missile that could sink American aircraft carriers in the Pacific.
MOGADISHU - Somali pirates have reportedly released a German-owned chemical tanker having 19 Indians, two Bangladeshis and a Ukrainian lonboard, after allegedly receiving a 5.5 million dollars ransom money.
WASHINGTON - Increased cooperation among insurgent factions is being reported inside both Afghanistan and Pakistan, as US and NATO officials said they had seen evidence of loose cooperation among militant organizations, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Tehrik-i-Taliban.
WASHINGTON - Sarah Palin's former staff has reportedly asked the state's Attorney General to postpone release of over 25,000 emails during her tenure as the Governor of Alaska.
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