Fall is best time to rejuvenate the skin

Friday, October 1, 2010

WASHINGTON - Fall months are the best time to rejuvenate and repair the harm done to the skin by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays.

“Overexposure to the sun accelerates the aging process and takes its toll on our body’s largest organ,” said Victor Cimino of the Loyola University Health System.

“Some of the most immediately visible signs of aging occur on the face,” said Cimino.

Here’s a list of things you can do to properly care and protect sensitive facial skin.

Cleanse the face in the morning and evening with a soap-free cleanser. Soap strips moisture from the skin while facial cleansers provide a gentler alternative.

Nourish the skin with an antioxidant moisturizer. This will replenish, firm and hydrate the skin.

Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher all year long.

Drink a sufficient amount of water to keep that youthful glow. Recommendations include drinking roughly half of your body weight in ounces of water or more, if you exercise regularly.

Wear protective clothing outdoors such as a wide-brimmed hat.

Stay out of the direct sun during the midday hours especially in tropical climes.

Consult with a physician or aesthetician, who can further tailor a daily skin regimen for your skin type. (ANI)

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