Democrats slip below Republicans for first time ahead of Nov congressional elections, finds poll

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WASHINGTON - Forty-seven percent of Americans have said they would back the Republican in their congressional district if the election were held now, while 45 percent would vote for the Democrat, according to a media poll.

According to The Washington Post-ABC News poll, as far as dealing with the economy is concerned, 43 percent of voters would support the Republicans while 39 percent favoured the Democrats.

The new poll suggests that although this is not a significant lead for Republicans, this marks the first time they have had any numerical edge on the economy since 2002. In recent years, Democrats have typically held double-digit advantages on the issue.

When asked whether it is more important to have Democrats in charge of Congress to help support the president’s policies or to have Republicans in control to serve as a check on Obama’s agenda, 55 percent said they prefer Republicans, while 39 percent chose Democrats. The GOP’s 16-point edge is double what it was in July this year.

President Barack Obama’s rating is low, with 52 percent of Americas giving him negative marks and just 46 percent positive ones.

For the first time, a majority, 53 percent of respondents have claimed that Obama has not brought needed change to the country, which was one of his major campaign promises. Independents’ disapproval of the president has reached an all-time high, with 57 percent giving him negative marks.

Thirty-four percent of overall voters and 27 percent of independent voters, think most Democrats in Congress deserve to be re-elected. Four years ago, a month before Democrats won control of the House, 55 percent of all voters said most Democratic representatives deserved another term.

A third of all Americans say Obama’s policies are making things worse economically, up seven points from April to its highest level. (ANI)

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