Britain may face ‘new terror wave’ following radicalised prisoners’ release
By ANIFriday, August 27, 2010
WASHINGTON - A former British Government adviser and the head of the Royal United Services Institute, Michael Clarke, has warned that the country is likely to face a “new wave” of home-grown terrorist attacks following the release of about 800 prisoners in the last decade.
In a report, Professor Clarke said British security services would struggle to cope with a new generation of extremists seeking to carry out “lone wolf” attacks.
“This ‘new wave’ will pose a significant challenge to security services responsible for identifying and monitoring them,” The Telegraph quoted Clarke, as saying in his report.
He further stated that these 800 prisoners, who had been in jail for non-terrorism offences, would be radicalised enough to join convicted terrorists serving short sentences once they were freed.
“British prisons still house more terrorists than in any other European country, though not for very long periods,” Clarke warned.
Clarke also said the terrorists have also changed from concentrating on aircraft to including attacks on trains, hotels and sporting events.
He pointed out that just 23 people, around 19 per cent of those convicted of terrorism offences, have been given life or indeterminate sentences. Twenty per cent have been sentenced to more than 10 years, and the largest single proportion, 32 per cent, received between eight months and four years.
“It raises immediate questions about the motivations of those now released, or soon to be released: are they more or less inclined to reoffend?” he asked.
These radicals are ideal candidates to form a “new wave” of terrorists threatening Britain, which would likely see an increase by nearly a half of the 2,000 radicalised individuals MI5 is currently said to be watching. (ANI)