N. Korea develops warship camouflage
By ANIMonday, August 23, 2010
NEW DELHI - North Korea has developed warship camouflage materials such as stealth paint to hide warships, tanks or fighter jets from foreign reconnaissance satellites and aircraft.
A confidential field manual used by Pyongyang military showed the isolated regime has also built a network of foxholes and caves, the Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported.
The newspaper said the manual quoted North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il as saying: “Modern warfare is stealth warfare. We can say that victory or defeat will be determined by how we carry out stealth warfare.”
The handbook, printed in 2005, was smuggled out of the North by a source through Caleb Mission, a South Korean Christian organisation.
It gives detailed instructions on how to make and apply the stealth paint, which absorbs radar waves, Chosun Ilbo said.
The manual describes how to conceal facilities or equipment and how to make military units look as though they are moving when they are not to deceive South Korean and US reconnaissance.
Chosun Ilbo quoted an unnamed intelligence expert as saying he was surprised to find that the North’s military has done “more intensive and careful research into stealth tactics than we thought”.
Yonhap news agency carried a similar report.
The handbook describes concealing long-range artillery equipment by applying radar-reflective materials, it said.
The North’s military was also ordered to pave fake aircraft runways to deceive foreign prying eyes, Yonhap said. (ANI)