Nine Asians jailed for abducting schoolgirl, forcing her into prostitution in UK

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WASHINGTON - The evidence of a school girl who was abducted at the age of 14 in 2008 and forced to work as a sex slave by nine Asians, has put them behind bars in Britain.

Ann Cryer, who stood down as Labour MP in April this year, has blamed traditional ‘Asian culture’ for a ’sex ring’ that drags white schoolgirls into prostitution.

“I believed the case has deterred others from perpetrating similar abuse,” she said.

According to the Daily Mail, Cryer is of the opinion that young Asian men in traditional communities were unable to pursue casual relationships in the manner of their white peers because they were tied to ‘arranged marriages’. Caught between two cultures, a small number were tempted to target vulnerable young girls,” she added.

The predators who were jailed include Asad Hassan, Mohammed Basharat, Mohammed Khan, Ahmed Noorzai, Mohammed Anwar Safi, Aftab Khan. Abid Khaliq, Mohammed Atif, Najibullah Safi.

Superintendent Paul Savill of Greater Manchester Police commended her bravery saying that ‘this young girl has been through an absolutely horrifying ordeal’.

“The level of abuse she has suffered is almost beyond belief. She has been treated like a commodity - beaten, threatened and sexually exploited,” he added. (ANI)

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