Registration drive for construction worker welfare begins in Delhi

Sunday, July 25, 2010

NEW DELHI - In an attempt to promote welfare of the vast unorganised labour force, the Delhi Government has launched a registration programme for construction workers in New Delhi.

The scheme, costing a nominal Rs.25, has been kicked off by the Housing and Construction and Labour Welfare Board of the Delhi Government.

“It is important that the workers should be aware of their rights, they should come forward. If they don’t reach us, we are trying to reach them. They should get themselves registered, in which they have to pay Rs. 25 only. In this registration, the companies have paid the amount. But the workers, for the coming years, should pay the nominal amount of Rs. 20 and renew their registration and enjoy its benefit,” said Sushil Kumar, Labour Officer, Department of Labour.

Among the several benefits, the enrolled worker shall get an insurance policy of the state-run Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). It will also provide the labour and his family with a health cover.

“The passbook that has been provided is like a new beginning, so that they know about their legal rights. It is an attempt to develop a sense of security in them. They should feel that they are being organised and looked after by the government,” said Raj Kumar, Member, Delhi Legal Services.

The workers are required to get the registration renewed every year by paying a fee of Rs. 20.

“The registration is very profitable for us. For example, if we fall ill we will get the medical allowances, and other benefits in case of accidents, marriage, and other important needs,” said Lakhan Singh, a worker.

The registration will also act as a social security cover, providing the workers with pension benefits. (ANI)

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