Obama’s job performance rating drops overall, according to US poll
By ANIFriday, July 16, 2010
WASHINGTON - A telephone poll conducted in the US by Opinion Dynamics Corp. for Fox News has revealed that most Americans see little benefit from the federal government’s economic stimulus plan, as President Obama’s job performance rating drops overall, and hits a new low among Democrats.
The poll was conducted among 900 registered voters from July 13 to July 14.
It shows that 43 percent of voters approve of the job Obama’s doing, matching a previous low in early April. Two weeks ago 47 percent approved, and a year ago 54 percent of voters approved. His highest approval thus far was 65 percent in January 2009. Some 48 percent of voters disapprove, which also matches a previous high negative rating.
The president’s rating has been hurt by declines not only among independents, but also among his party faithful. 76 percent of Democrats approve, which is the lowest positive rating he’s received among this group. Two weeks ago 84 percent of Democrats approved. Obama’s highest approval rating among Democrats was 93 percent a year ago May. Among independents, 40 percent approve, down from a high of 66 percent in June 2009.
Obama’s average approval rating among Democrats was 87 percent in 2009 and is 81 percent in 2010. For independents, the president’s average approval in 2009 was 53 percent, while for the current year it’s an average of 41 percent.
Some 13 percent of Republicans approve of Obama’s job performance. That’s about where it has been for the last year, though it is down from a high of 37 percent at the start of his term.
Overall, the president’s average rating for his term is 52 percent approval and 40 percent disapproval.
However, 60 per cent of the voters think that Obama has had a tougher job than former President George W. Bush in the first year and a half of each presidency.
More than 6 in 10 American voters think the economy would be in the same or better shape if Congress hadn’t passed the economic stimulus bill, while a small minority thinks things would be worse without it.
Five pr cent of voters think that the economic stimulus plan created “a lot” while twenty nine per cent “some” new jobs. Twenty-three percent think the plan created “a few” jobs, while the biggest portion of voters 40 percent thinks the stimulus created “hardly any new jobs at all.”
On Wednesday the White House said the 862 dollars billion stimulus bill was responsible for saving or creating between 2.5 and 3.6 million jobs.
Some 40 percent of voters approve and 51 percent disapprove of how the Obama administration is dealing with the oil spill. A month ago 38 percent approved and 51 percent disapproved (June 8-9).
27-64 percent, voters think the Bush tax cuts should be extended rather than llowed to expire, as they are set to do this year. (ANI)