Bananas affected by harmful chemicals recovered in Lucknow
By ANIWednesday, June 30, 2010
LUCKNOW - The Food Corporation Department of Lucknow recovered tonnes of raw bananas, which were being artificially ripened using harmful chemicals in a local cold storage on Tuesday.
The bananas were being ripened with the help of a chemical named Ethephon, a plant growth regulator, which enhances the ripening in raw fruits. However, it has negative effects on the human body.
A raid was carried out following a tip-off, and tonnes of the fruits and chemicals were seized.
“We got information from various sources that bananas are being ripened here with harmful chemicals. Our PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration) team, which includes CFI (Chief Food Inspector), food inspectors, ACM (Additional City Magistrate) and six inspectors raided the place. We found bananas dipped in a drum that contains chemicals to ripen them,” said A. K. Chourasia, city magistrate.
However, according to the cold storage manager Anil Jaiswal, no illegal activity was being carried out in the cold storage unit.
“We are not doing any thing illegal. We have all required licenses like the mandi samiti license, license to ripen the bananas, and license to store the bananas or any fruits,” said Jaiswal.
Expressing concern, Union Health Ministry has asked the states to conduct checks and take action against those indulging in the hazardous practice. (ANI)