Assam’s Kamprup District a heaven for Tiwa tribe
By ANIMonday, June 14, 2010
GUWAHATI - The Bherakuchi village in Assam’s Central Kamprup District is a home to the Tiwa tribe and away from influence of modern cities.
Here there is no sound of honking vehicles or sprawling concrete buildings.
Green, earthy landscape with around 100 scattered bamboos and tin-roofed houses make up the village.
The land of the Tiwa or the Laloongs tribe, which means “enlightened people,” the Bherakuchi village is like any other village, simple yet unique.
The Deori family, which depends on farming and makes rice beer to supplement its income.
Surendra Nath Deori and his brother Guren Deori are Tiwa folk artists, trying to preserve their art.
Surendra Nath has already composed 40 folk songs but due to financial constraints has not been able to record them.
Sarala Deori, his sister-in-law, has two children and is an anganwadi worker.
“We have an electricity problem and a drinking water problem especially during the summer season. We have a drinking water project that is funded by the Public Health Engineering. There is a well, but potable water is not available there,” said Sarala Deori.
“Samadi”, which is erected in the center of the village, is a big community house without any walls. Only males are eligible to become its member. Art and music training along with the socio-religious occasions of the village are held here.
The village also has a new library-cum-museum house, where traditional musical instruments and fishing equipment is displayed.
“If we talk about the Tiwa Culture, in 1972, I formed the first Tiwa Cultural Organization. But after 1982, we have been facing problems due to poor of finances. The organization helped Lansing Bordolio from our village to get the SILPI Pension,” said Surendra Nath Deori.
The Tiwa tribe is included in the State Scheduled Tribe list. Recently, the Tiwa Autonomous Council was conducted for the development of the indigenous people.
The village has a traditional Council called “Khel” with different officials led by the headman, along with the head priest, ‘Giyati’, who conducts religious rituals.
“The Tiwa Council was formed in 1983. Though there have been many changes, still more needs to be done. The condition of roads is still pretty bad. We request the Government to look into the matter,” said Surendr Nath Deori.
Besides farming, villagers rely on weaving and fishing to generate incomes.
Currently some industries are in the process of setting up Units in the area.
“We want industries in our village, so that there are more jobs. But the industries should not cause pollution like agri-based industries. We have great agricultural scope here. Such industries are welcome,” said Ajit Deori.
The villagers are seeing visible signs of development and progress in their village and they are looking forward to a better future. By Peter Todd Alex (ANI)