ICWAI Organizes Green Walk
By Sayantika Ghosh, Gaea News NetworkMonday, June 7, 2010

HYDERABAD, INDIA (GaeaTimes.com)- 5th June which marked the World Environment Day witnessed a “Green Walk” that was organised by ICWAI Hyderabad. The event received great appreciation and an all round support from one and all. The Hyderabad center of ICWAI (Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India) were the chief organizers for the World Environment Day programme which witnessed an active participation from all members of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Nalsar University and from the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) members.
The ICWAI “Green Walk” encompassed a total distance of 10 kms and was organized with the aim of spreading the message of greenery to one and all members of the participating institutions. A special seminar was also held on the very same day which focused upon matters like “World Economy, Indian Capital Markets and Global Warming”.
Jagan Mohan Rao who happens to be the ex-president of ICSI Hyderabad told in the ICWAI seminar that the world economy is indirectly proportional to the emission of Green House Gases which is a vital factor for the capital markets. He also said that in his opinion the only key to sustainable development is an all round welfare for all species which would ensure the right balance for the environment and organisms at large. Jagan Mohan Rao even rode a bicycle and took part along with other walkers in the Green Walk. G Narayana Rao, the ICWAI Hyderabad chairman and ICAI Hyderabad member KK Rao along with Nalsar University co-coordinator GGK Murthy took active part in the Green Walk and strongly proclaimed the need to protect the environment from all hazards.