Chinese sociologists say jailing of sex-party hosting Prof an infringement of his rights

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Delhi, May 21 (ANI): The decision to jail a Chinese Professor convicted of organizing swinging parties at his home, has met with wide-spread criticism from China’s social scientists as they believe this is a violation of his rights.

Ma Yuohai had pleaded “not guilty” to the felony of group licentiousness and this resulted in a harsher sentence being handed down to him than his sex-cohorts.

“Voluntary sex in private places, which does not disturb social order or hurt public sentiments, should not be established as a crime,” the China Daily quoted his lawyer Xue Huogen, as saying.

Chinese social commentators have voiced their objection to this irrationally severe punishment for a private act that was being performed by consenting adults.

Well-known Chinese sociologist and sex expert Li Yinhe said the crime itself should be abolished because it is outdated and the practice only challenges morality.

“Swinging is very private. In this case, public authorities have interfered with people’s private lives,” Li was quoted by the Shenzhen-based newspaper Daily Sunshine, as saying.

Even the general public seems to be with Yuohai on this one, as they too feel that the sentence is unwarranted and that the state’s authoritarianism has usurped the individual’s right to choice in this case.

A survey on, a major Chinese news portal, showed that 70.7 percent of the 15,871 respondents said Yuohai should not have been brought to trial. (ANI)

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