Chinese police warns of crackdown on potential school attackers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

NEW DELHI - Police in China have warned that they will impose the law of the land “firmly” and “without hesitation” when dealing with anti-social elements like the men who brutally slashed elementary school children in two separate incidents.

Wu Heping, a spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security, told a press conference in Beijing that the killing of innocent children must be condemned by the whole society.

“If offenders dare to attempt such crimes again, the police will enforce the law firmly without hesitation, in line with the Criminal Law and police code of using guns and other weapons,” the Xinhua news agency quoted Wu as saying.

Schools have emerged as soft targets for such misanthropes and with a view to tighten security arrangements and fill in the gaps the police will be conducting a thorough inspection of schools nationwide. Especially in private schools and those in remote or rural areas.

In Beijing, police will patrol all schools ten minutes prior to the students’ arrival and ten minutes before the final bell rings.

Addressing the social causes that might have generated the fury of the stabbers Wu said, “We will also work to help solve disputes, and provide psychological counselling for people suffering mental problems.” (ANI)

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