Cabinet approves 1000 model schools in educationally backward blocks
By ANIFriday, April 23, 2010
NEW DELHI - The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) today approved the setting up of 1000 additional model schools as a benchmark of excellence in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) through State Governments.
Each of the Model Schools to be set up as benchmark of excellence will have 560 students.
According to an official release these schools will have the same norms and standards as that of Kendriya Vidaylays or even better than them. The medium of instruction and affiliating Board will be decided by the State government.
Under the scheme, 75 percent of recurring and non recurring costs will be borne by the government accept for special category state for which the Centre will bear 90 percent of the cost.
The objective behind the scheme is to give access to quality secondary education to talented students in rural areas.
The programme will be implemented through the societies set up by the State Governments for this purpose. (ANI)