India agrees to review Nimoo Bazgo water project’s design

Monday, March 29, 2010

LAHORE - While India has rejected six out of eight objections raised by Pakistan over the Nimoo Bazgo water project, it has agreed to review the design of the project.

During the first day of the three-day meeting of the Indus River Commission in Lahore, Pakistani officials raised concerns about the construction of Nemobaaz Go and Chutak power plants at the River Sindh by India, saying that the constructions would violate the Indus Basin Treaty and block 35,000 feet per acre water.

The nine-member delegation of the Indian water commission headed by G Aranga Nathan rejected six points raised by the Pakistani delegation and said that he would answer on the remaining two objections after consulting the top leadership in New Delhi, The Nation reports.

On Pakistani Water Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah’s proposal to install the telemetric system along rivers, Nathan said the reactivation of the telemeter system was possible and he would consult his telemetric experts on the proposal.

Nathan added that a new meeting would be held soon if the two sides failed to resolve the dispute during this visit.

Meanwhile, Shah pointed out that an immediate breakthrough in the Indus River water talks was unlikely because of the “non-political nature” of the dialogue.

He added that the use of water for agricultural and hydroelectric purposes would be discussed during the remaining days of the dialogue.

He said objections over design of the Chutak project would be discussed on the second day. (ANI)

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