Survivors of Dhaka blaze battle it out in hospital
By ANIFriday, June 4, 2010
DHAKA - Survivors of Thursday’s fire that claimed over 114 lives are battling it out in hospital, even as reports said that the death toll might rise further.
Fire brigade officials described the blaze as the worst to sweep through the capital since 1971.
So far 87 bodies had been recovered from the congested area
Television channels have put the death toll at between between 107 and 150, including a dozen people who died in hospital from injuries sustained in the blaze which was believed to have been started by an explosion in a transformer.
They also reported nearly 150 people, many suffering from serious burns had been admitted to hospitals after the fire.
Flames gutted the centuries-old Kayettuli neighbourhood, which said to be one of the most densely populated in Dhaka.
People continue to look for their missing family members in the city’s morgues and hospitals.
The government announced Friday as a day of mourning and has ordered an investigation to find the exact cause of the fire. (ANI)