A look at seat belt use across the nation in 2009

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

State-by-state seat belt use rate in 2009

The Transportation Department said 84 percent of motorists wore their seat belts in 2009, an all-time high. Eighty-three percent were buckled up in 2008. Here’s a look at the percentage of motorists wearing their seat belts among states and the District of Columbia.

State 2008 2009 2008-2009 Change
Ala. 86.1 90.0 3.9
Alaska 84.9 86.1 1.2
Ariz. 79.9 80.8 0.9
Ark. 70.4 74.4 4.0
Calif. 95.7 95.3 -0.4
Colo. 81.7 81.1 -0.6
Conn. 88.0 85.9 -2.1
Del. 91.3 88.4 -2.9
D.C. 90.0 93.0 3.0
Fla. 81.7 85.2 3.5
Ga. 89.6 88.9 -0.7
Hawaii 97.0 97.9 0.9
Idaho 76.9 79.2 2.3
Ill. 90.5 91.7 1.2
Ind. 91.2 92.6 1.4
Iowa 92.9 93.1 0.2
Kan. 77.4 77.0 -0.4
Ky. 73.3 79.7 6.4
La. 75.5 74.5 -1.0
Maine 83.0 82.6 -0.4
Md. 93.3 94.0 0.7
Mass. 66.8 73.6 6.8
Mich. 97.2 98.0 0.8
Minn. 86.7 90.2 3.5
Miss. 71.3 76.0 4.7
Mo. 75.8 77.2 1.4
Mont. 79.3 79.2 -0.1
Neb. 82.6 84.8 2.2
Nev. 90.9 91.0 0.1
N.H. 69.2 68.9 -0.3
N.J. 91.8 92.7 0.9
N.M. 91.1 90.1 -1.0
N.Y. 89.1 88.0 -1.1
N.C. 89.8 89.5 -0.3
N.D. 81.6 81.5 -0.1
Ohio 82.7 83.6 0.9
Okla. 84.3 84.2 -0.1
Ore. 96.3 96.6 0.3
Pa. 85.1 87.9 2.8
R.I. 72.0 74.7 2.7
S.C. 79.0 81.5 2.5
S.D. 71.8 72.1 0.3
Tenn. 81.5 80.6 -0.9
Texas 91.2 92.9 1.7
Utah 86.0 86.1 0.1
Vt. 87.3 85.3 -2.0
Va. 80.6 82.3 1.7
Wash. 96.5 96.4 -0.1
W.Va. 89.5 87.0 -2.5
Wis. 74.2 73.8 -0.4
Wyo. 68.6 67.6 -1.0
Nation 83.0 84.0 1.0

Source: Department of Transportation.

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