Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Forms Rehabilitation Committee

By Sayantika Ghosh, Gaea News Network
Saturday, May 15, 2010

AHMEDABAD, INDIA (GaeaTimes.com)-AMC (Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation) shall now go ahead with a special committee which shall address the issues of rehabilitation for the slum dwellers of Sabarmati riverfront. The decision gained grounds with the ruling of Gujarat High Court where SJ Mukhopadhaya, the chief justice presiding over the case ruled out the verdict for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

Reportedly, the Sabarmati project handled by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation had earlier promised rehabilitation for more than 4,000 families. Among them 2000 families have already been deported to their rehabilitation site while the others await their turn in a few days. However, the slum dwellers have addressed the High Court in a petition that says that they have been deprived wrongfully from their site and they demand an immediate rehabilitation by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.

Owing to the petition from the slum dwellers, the state government has issued orders for the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation that there shall be a high level of committee which shall make sure that the slum dwellers are rehabilitated at their earliest. The slum dwellers association have also urged the court to include Dr Darshini Mahadevia along with Indira Hirve in the committee. The Gujarat High court witnessed a heavy session of discussion where both the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation associates as well as the slum dwellers counsel stated their arguments for rehabilitation. The court considered the arguments coming from both sides and finally ruled the formation of the rehabilitation committee which shall follow the lead of retired chief justice from the Gujarat High Court. The court further issued orders for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to evacuate the riverfront slum as long as the Sabarmati Project stays on.

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