Ian Reichenthal Ends Up Googling Himself

By Priyanka Roy Chowdhury, Gaea News Network
Friday, May 14, 2010

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com)- Alec Brownstein is no doubt an ad-man and he has proved his worth in front of five ad executives even before they looked into his curriculum vitae. Alec Brownstein a copywriter who wanted not only to get noticed by the top creative directors of advertising agencies but also hired by them only went for a $6 purchase of Google ad words reportedly. Alec Brownstein went on for a self advertisement in such a way that whenever the five creative directors will Google their name on the web they would see the top result to be a message from Alec Brownstein which asks them to hire him. The creative directors who were targeted by Alec Brownstein were Ian Reichenthal, David Droga, Tony Granger, Gerry Graf and Scott Vitrone.

The experiment of Alec Brownstein has also been posted in the web and has become viral as people are now trying to know more about those creative directors. The way of seeking job by Alec Brownstein has impressed Ian Reichenthal and Tony Granger along with two others who ended up googling themselves and finding the top result to be an message from a job seeker. The message reportedly read “Googling yourself is a lot of fun. Hiring me is fun, too”. Alec Brownstein claims that he ended up getting interview calls from Ian Reichenthal, David Droga, Gerry Graf and Scott Vitrone.

Alec Brownstein claims that he was offered jobs by Ian Reichenthal and Scott Vitrone. However, he mentions that he is at present working for the Y&R New York. Interestingly the Global Chief Creative Officer of Y&R Advertising is none other than Tony Granger.

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