Rose exports from Bangalore affected by volcanic eruption

Friday, April 23, 2010

BANGALORE - Rose exports from Karnataka decline due to cancellation of international flights.

Though cold storages can keep the roses fresh for one week, the quality will no longer be fit for exports, say the exporters.

“Because of this volcano problem, almost major importing countries, they are not importing flowers because of which Bangalore rose exporters are facing lot of problem like they are unable to store this flowers or they can store only up to a week or ten days. If they store more than this time then storage disease will get spread and then there will be huge loss for exporters,” said Shankar Murthy, Auction Officer of International Flower Auction Board.

Varieties of roses like grand gala, first red, upper class and happy hours are usually exported. The rose exports have now come down to less than 50 per cent.

“They have some other options like value addition instead of selling loose flowers, they will value add like they will make flowers bunch, flower arrangements and they will give it to local market. They will not get income returns what they will get it from export business,” Murthy added.

Bangalore roses are famous and are exported to European countries and America in a large numbers.

Bangalore usually exports more than two lakh roses every day.

International Flower Auction Board of Bangalore is finding other options of value addition of flowers. (ANI)

Filed under: India

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