Oklahoma City Bombing: 15 Years After

By Priyanka Roy Chowdhury, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

OKLAHOMA (GaeaTimes.com)- On Monday, the Oklahoma City Bombing massacre completed its 15 years and the families of the victims along with the survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing marked the occasion by placing flowers and teddies on the permanent 168 chairs in front of the former Alfred P. Murrah in downtown Oklahoma and by remembering those who became the innocent victims of domestic terrorism. The families, who still find it hard to forget the tragedy which has once and for all changed their lives, were joined in their remembrance by Janet Napolitano, the US Secretary of Homeland Security and many other dignitaries.

People who gathered in front of the building paid their tribute by maintaining 168 seconds of silence in remembrance of the souls lost. The Oklahoma City bombing 15 years earlier still remains the most cruel and dangerous domestic terrorist attack till date. It led to the death of 168 workers and injured more than 600+. On Monday, marking the 15th year of the tragedy Janet Napolitano mentioned to the people that it cannot be guaranteed that terrorist attacks like the Oklahoma Bombing will not happen again but at the same time mentioned that the thing which should be kept in mind is that such terrorist attacks should not affect the way of life and the moral of the nation.

Janet Napolitano played an important role back in the year 1995 leading the federal investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and the subsequent arrest of terrorists. Many other dignitaries took time to remember the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. Being a national issue each and every year politicians takes the opportunity to speak out their mind on the issues of terrorism and this year too it was no different.

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