Jack Herer Passes Away
By Naiwrita Sinha, Gaea News NetworkFriday, April 16, 2010
EUGENE, OREGON (GaeaTimes.com)- One of the most well known advocates of marijuana in the country, Jack Herer, passed away on Thursday. He had been, practically, responsible for the movement of legalization of marijuana on the United States. His book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” which was published in 1985, was the one that actually launched the movement, and has been continued till this day. Thus, it is indeed sad that he passed away just at a time when the movement is gaining the maximum amount of momentum. His death has come as a shock to many, including the other advocates of the movement. As was stated by his wife Jeannie Herer, many find it difficult to believe that he is really no more.
Jack Herer had been suffering from major health complications for quite some time. He had a stroke some years back that rendered him almost completely paralyzed, although he managed an almost miraculous recovery from the same, saying that it had been possible, for the most part, due to the psychoactive mushrooms that he had been fed. After that, even in September 2009, he had been admitted to the hospital, having suffered a major heart attack minutes after delivering a speech at a festival, which led to serious complications. He went away to Eugene in order to recuperate in March this year.
Jack Herer was 70 at the time of his death. He ultimately succumbed to the complications brought about by the heart attack. He is survived by his wife, a brother and a sister and six children. The details of the funeral have not yet been released.