Heal yourself in 20 weeks - here’s how (IANS Book Review)

By M.R. Narayanswamy, IANS
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Book: “Perfect Health In 20 Weeks”; Author: Amar Chandel; Publisher: Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi; Pages: 146; Price: Rs.195

Considering the proliferation of health guide books in the market, one may well ask what this slim volume has to offer. In what has been described as a step-by-step guide to 100 percent natural healing, the author comes up with a simple, easy-to-practise regimen that he promises will rejuvenate you in just 20 weeks.

The book is a treasure house of knowledge, written from the ordinary reader’s point of view, minus all jargon, and reveals how changes brought about in our day-to-day lives can eliminate lifestyle problems, the germ of most diseases.

A practitioner of integral yoga, naturopathy and holistic healing for more than three decades, Chandel is a strong advocate of the belief that emotional difficulties, physical ailments and obesity are closely inter-linked. And if one decides to set right one of them, the others are also taken care of. He wants people to realise that the battle for good health should be fought, can be won, and each person is more than equal to this task.

Chandel compares the human body to a machine but thinks it is more efficient than any other and yet complicated. According to him, there are nine things that human beings need to take care of to keep the body in shape. These are: food, water, air or breathing, physical movement or exercise, rest, sleep, positive attitude, right social interaction, and - believe it or not - common sense!

The author then unveils his 20-week magic, a combination of right food, good habits and right exercises meant to keep the body in shape. If you avoid mistakes for as little as six months, he says, the human digestive system heals itself and reverses 90 percent of the damage that has taken place over many decades. Most important, he underlines the importance of avoiding stress. When you carry a grouse for too long, it weighs heavily on your mind and troubles you immensely. The book reveals what needs to be banished from the Indian kitchen and what needs to be eaten and in how much quantity for a healthy mind and good body.

The author’s strength lies in helping people get rid of supposedly incurable diseases through lifestyle changes, without the use of medicines. This is very much possible, insists Chandel. In today’s stressful world, what more can one ask for?

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