Nuclear Security Summit begins Monday, but thats hardly the issue

Monday, April 12, 2010

WASHINGTON - The threat of nuclear terrorism is probably uppermost in minds of the 47 heads of state and government, who will be attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on April 12 and 13.

But, who will they discuss the issue with? It ought to be with Prime Minister Gilani and President Karzai, one would presume, as the Taliban and Al Qaeda are based in their countries, and these terror groups are the ones after nuclear weapons.

But, Karzai has been ditched by the US administration and think tanks to such a ridiculous level , that he is unlikely to cooperate on any matter. But more pertinently, he isnt here at the Nuclear Security Summit, and nuclear terrorism is at the top of the agenda of the summit!Pakistan Prime Minister Yusouf Raza Gilani is here and met with President Obama on Monday, but then, just last week, the Pakistani delegation, including Army chief General Parvez Kiyani and the ISI chief, Lt.Gen. Shuja Pasha, were sent marching back without a nuclear deal, so they are smarting as well.

And, in all likelihood, what Obama spoke to Gilani about was the fantastic cooperation that the ISI is apparently giving to the Taliban. Sleeping with the enemy is not something America will condone.

Sure, President Obama sugar-coated the bitter pill when he said: “I feel confident that Pakistan has secured its nuclear weapons. I am concerned about nuclear security all around the world, not just in Pakistan.”

But, the fact remains that uppermost in the minds of decision makers in Washington, is Pakistan’s undependable attitude when it comes to dealing with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said: “We know that terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, are pursuing the materials to build a nuclear weapon, and, we know that they have the intent to use one.”

So what is the world going to do about it? Will it come up during discussions on Monday and Tuesday? Surprise surprise, the official response “It’s an important issue, but it’s not the focus of the summit. We’re focusing here on the most potentially catastrophic threat, which is terrorist groups acquiring or manufacturing nuclear explosives.”

Oh ok, so if the bomb is officially manufactured in a factory publically-owned and declared by Al Qaeda, it merits discussion. But, if it is a dirty bomb, illegitimately procured from rogue scientists on official payroll of nuclear armed nations, err not up for discussion. Get the picture?

According to one reputed daily, the Nuclear Security Summit will aim to work out a modus operandi “to physically secure sensitive nuclear materials around the world so that terrorists don’t get hold of them.”

It further goes on to say that the summit is being held to “help draw the spotlight away from the threat posed to the world by the arsenals and doctrines of nuclear weapon states such as the U.S.”

“The truth is the NSS is not about high-octane subjects like nuclear weapons, non-proliferation, arms control or disarmament. Instead, it concerns something much more prosaic: the physical security of nuclear and radiological materials around the world. Materials which, if they fall into the hands of terrorists or criminals, could allow them to make or acquire a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb,” says The Hindu.

It says: “India joined together with the other nuclear weapon states to keep nuclear weapons out of the purview of the summit declaration. The consensus document - which will be released on Tuesday - speaks instead of keeping all nuclear material physically secure, regardless of how the state which owns it intends to use it.” By Smita Prakash (ANI)

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