Pig Blood In Cigarettes

By Sayantika, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Re: cigarette
SYDNEY, Australia (GaeaTimes.com)- Prof Simon Chapman of Sydney University has recently hit upon a research study fact that proves the usage of pig blood in making filters of cigarettes. It all came up to the forefront as a fact of the research which focused upon 185 industrial uses of the pig hemoglobin.

Now with the disclosure of the fact, it’s evident that the Islamic clan shall have hard time to get along with the idea. The usage of the pig hemoglobin will also find it difficult to gain acceptance from many vegetarians who are smokers.

However, if one delves deep into the matter, it is evident that the pig blood is being used to put a block to any and all harmful toxins that is present in the tobacco which if engulfed can be harmful for the smoker and cause adverse damage to the lungs. With a prominent Greece Cigarette brand confirming the use of pig protein in their cigarettes, all brands alike are being criticized severely for making honest disclosures on their websites as to what all ingredients they have been putting together into making their stuff.

No guesses that if this bit of information will not go down favorably among the masses, specially among multitudes where pig is looked upon with religious sentiments. Also, for the people who are vegetarian, the idea itself would be enough to cause an amount of distress. Prof Simon Chapman feels that these cigarette brands should keep it aloof from all its consumers and push it forward as a business secret, which would make their product acceptable without any shades of regret.

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