Chelsea King Memorial Service

By Naiwrita, Gaea News Network
Sunday, March 14, 2010

POWAY, CALIFORNIA ( A public memorial was arranged for Chelsea King, the allegedly murdered teenager who did not return after she went jogging near her home in Southern California. Fittingly enough, the memorial was held at the place the teenager loved the most, the football and athletic track in the school she attended, the Poway High School. The Chelsea King memorial service was a public affair, as had been earlier announced by a spokesperson for the family, Sarah Muller Fraunces.

The Chelsea King memorial service was attended by over 6,000 people, among them the members of the 17-year-old girl’s family, and all her friends. Each attendee was handed a sunflower, which was held up in memory of the girl. The best part of the memorial was that, despite the tragic manner of the death of Chelsea King, gloom did not prevail, and it was mostly a celebration of the spirit of the murdered girl. All those present, including the friends, family members and the teachers who taught her in class, shared the experiences that they had had with Chelsea King.

At the Chelsea King memorial service, Chelsea King’s uncle thanked all those who had given their unrelenting support to the family in their time of distress. He confessed that despite having gone through one of the toughest times so far, his family is gradually recovering from the shock. Her father, Brent King, advocated the need for stronger laws for sex offenders, saying that these people are not usually curable, and the only way to protect one’s family is to fight for laws which deal with them strictly enough.

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