Levi Johnston fires back at Bristol Palin over child support demands
By ANIThursday, February 11, 2010
WASHINGTON - Levi Johnston has issued a response to Bristol Palin, who is the mother of his baby boy, regarding her demand for more child support money.
Bristol had demanded 1,750 dollars a month, claiming that Levi raked in more than 105,000 dollars in 2009.
But Levi’s lawyer, Rex Butler, says that his client’s income is “erratic”, and that prior to 2009, he never made more than 10,000 dollars a year.
In the legal documents, Levi agrees to pay 20 percent of his adjusted 2009 income, although he doesn’t say exactly how much he made, and he also agrees to file quarterly income reports.
In his declaration, Levi says in 2010, his only contractual guarantee for income is 25,000 dollars plus “some contingencies based on my Playgirl shoot”.
He says he doesn’t see how it’s possible to pay 1,750 dollars a month in child support.
“Levi Johnston stands before this court as a 19-year-old with good hopeful for an entertainment career but the chances of increased income are as unknowable as it would be for any young person working his way into the entertainment industry: not particularly good,” TMZ quoted the legal document as saying. (ANI)