Ambika Soni urges broadcasters to pass benefits of technology to consumers
By ANIFriday, January 29, 2010
NEW DELHI - Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni today urged broadcasters to ensure that fruits of new technology actually reach the consumer.
Inaugurating the 16th International BES EXPO 2010 here, Soni said: “It is the endeavour of her ministry to ensure that policy framework and business models are in sync to cater to the consumer interest.
“We are guided by the thought that technology neutral approach to policies is the appropriate way. Convergence in technology has to fast become a reality,” the minister said.
Broadcast engineers must play a crucial role in guiding the best possible options in the carriage of the content to the public, she added.
The minister also announced that serious thought is being given to devise suitable policies for Mobile television.
“With a view to incentivize the introduction of FM radio services in the North Eastern States, Jammu and Kashmir and island territories and to further liberalize the regulatory framework to provide for greater diversity of content and bring down operational costs, the Government is in the process of finalizing the FM Phase-III policy soon”, she said.
Distributing the annual BES Awards for best technological innovations, Soni called upon the broadcasting industry to contribute not just in statistical figures for the economy but also contribute to a healthy socio-cultural growth of the society as a whole.
The three day international Expo and Conference proposes to discuss topical issues such as ‘innovative technologies for coverage of Commonwealth Games, HDTV and beyond; New technologies for Digital TV and Radio; Frequency Spectrum related issues under the theme of ‘Broadcast regulatory Issues’. (ANI)