Chinese sorrow ‘bank’ stores love souvenirs from ex!
By ANIMonday, January 25, 2010
NEW DELHI - A Chinese store is offering customers a chance to keep alive memories of their former love - outside their homes.
Owner Gong Yelong’s The Dinosaur’s Love Bank in Guloudajie, Beijing, boasts of shelves loaded with cups, toys, books, personal letters and wallets from those looking to preserve the sentimental value but without jeopardising their new relationships, reports the China Daily.
Gong told Metro: ” They all came from my clients. They sent them to me by mail and in person. I seal the goods straight away and sign a contract ranging from one month to 30 years.”
Gong added: “Each object here has its own story. I charge 10 yuan per month for toys, photos and documents. Most clients sign a contract for one year.” (ANI)