Environment ministers of China, Brazil and South Africa to meet Ramesh today

Sunday, January 24, 2010

NEW DELHI - The environment ministers of China, Brazil and South Africa are scheduled to meet Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh today to work out a common strategy ahead of formal-climate change negotiations.

The meeting has been convened with a view to have consultations among BASIC countries and evolve a coordinated approach to climate change related issues during 2010 in the run up to the next crucial meet to be held in Mexico at the end of this year.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday called for maintaining the unity and solidarity of the four emerging economies - Brazil, South Africa, India and China.

He addressed the environment ministers of these four major economies, who called on him, on the eve of a meeting for finalising these countries’ future course of action ahead of the January 31 deadline for conveying their stand on the Copenhagen Accord.

The BASIC delegates included National Development and Reform Commission of China Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua, Brazilian Environment Minister Carlos Minc, South African Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs Buyelwa Sonjica and Jairam Ramesh.

Besides chalking out a climate change strategy, the BASIC members will work out the targets and actions that the group has to submit under the Copenhagen Accord by January 31.

India and the three other BASIC nations brokered a deal with the U.S. to take note of the accord. The accord did not set binding targets for a cut in greenhouse gas emissions. However, it suggested passage of a binding deal at the next round of climate talks in Mexico.

While 29 countries, including India, accepted the Copenhagen Accord, it was opposed by several lesser developed countries, including small island nations, and Sunday’s meeting is expected to decide how to take them on board. (ANI)

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